Why should kids get to have all  of the fun with stickers? Exactly... they shouldn't! 
Personalized sticky notes in all sorts of colors, shapes and messages are the perfect solution to the sticker bias! 
I learned this awesome technique from a super fabulous and fashionable friend of mine (Hi Kate!) and I've used it in lots of creative ways over the past few years ! I am super excited  to share it with you!

Sticky Notes (I used the 1 3/8 x 1/7/8 in 3M Post-it brand)
Copier/Printer Paper
Computer with any basic word processing program

1. Design  I usually keep my messages short and quirky! You can add graphics if you like. Simple clip art works the best! Add a little pizazz by choosing fun fonts! While designing, keep in mind the size of the sticky notes you plan to use!

2. Print  Once I have my design I  group the elements together using the “grouping” function. This allows me to line up my design on the page multiple times and not lose any of the elements or the spacing. I create my first line of my *designs horizontally across the page (for a 1 3/8 x 1/7/8 sticky note I usually evenly space three designs) using my copy and paste functions. Once I have my first line spaced, I group them together again using the grouping function. I then copy that grouping and paste it beneath the first line  to form a second line of designs. I continue until I have 5 evenly spaced lines of design( measurements for 1 3/8  x  1 7/8 stickies). Once you have your design spaced Print on a regular sheet of paper.
* If you aren’t good with eyeballing the spacing you can create a table in your word processing program and then paste your designs within the spaces. Before you print Hide or delete your lines!

 3. ReprintOnce you are satisfied with your printed design peel ,stick, and center one sticky note over each printed design! Run the sheet with the stickies through your printer again!

4.Fun Peel off your stickies for use and have fun! *You can print as many different designs as you would like on one sheet just pay attention to your spacing so that your designs don’t run together when you print them out!

Send me some pic's of your stickies! canuemagine@yahoo.com

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