The Lenoir-Barnard Wedding
The White House
Westover, Alabama

On a balmy Saturday afternoon, Skyler Lenoir and Alan Barnard exchanged vows in a simple outdoor ceremony performed by a family friend and high school choir director of the bride. The party then moved inside of the Victorian style home fittingly named The White House located in Westover, Alabama where guest gathered in the parlor to partake of exquisite heavy hors d’ o euvres prepared by The White House executive caterer and owner of the Chelsea Grill, Tim Wright.

The couple retired to the large tented dance floor and danced all night, fun was definitely the theme of this wedding… unbeknownst to the groom keys were distributed amongst the bridal party and other female wedding guest … the father of the bride orchestrated a call for all women with keys to Alans apartment to bring them to the dance floor, the brides mother proudly produced her two keys …
Alan and Skyler Barnard reside in Birmingham Alabama, Skyler is a party coordinator for a local museum and Alan is a loss prevention manager for a national department store.
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